Day 1
Redlining, Housing, Banking, and Health
Watch a video and read about wealth and race
Day 2
Review the mapping inequality website
Day 3
Listen to two articles about home mortgage loans
Day 4
Review the Reparitions for Melrose report on inequities in home loans
Day 5
Review an article on the long term impacts of redlining and a webpage on Systemic Racism and Health Equity
Day 6
Reflect on what you've learned this week
Day 7
Act: Contact your elected officials
Day 8
Environmental Justice, The Built Environment, and Education
Read this acticle about Robert Bullard, the Father of Environmental Justice
Day 9
Listen to this article about America's Roadways And Cities
Day 10
Review this webpage about how racism is built into the environement
Day 11
Read this article on school discipline
Day 12
Read this article on school discipline and this report on school discipline in Melrose
Day 13
Reflect on what you've learned this week
Day 14
Act: Assess local issues looking at them from a racial justice perspective
Day 15
Mass Incarceration and Policing
Review this website on mass incarceration
Day 16
Review these articles comparing prison populations
Day 17
Read this opinion piece on building prisons
Day 18
Read this article on racial disparities in policing
Day 19
Review the report on racial inequities in arrests in Melrose
Day 20
Reflect on what you've learned this week
Day 21
Act: Shift some of your spending to Black-owned businesses
Day 22
Looking Inward, Becoming Part of the Solution
Study the 4 I’s of Systemic Racism
Day 23
Watch this video on learning to discuss race
Day 24
Take these two Implicit Association Tests
Day 25
Read Dr. King's letter
Day 26
Review the Embrace Boston Harm Report
Day 27
Reflect on what you've learned this week
Day 28
Act: Take our survey